Agenda - Concerts - Programmübersicht - スケジュール

Unless otherwise stated, information and reservations: +31-6-10414238 or info@acmel.nl


foto Accordéon Mélancolique
Emmen (NL) Sunday 28 January 2024
Music and Poetry in Library, Noorderplein 101, 7811MG. For Facet Emmen we are coming up with a special program with music and poetry around "THUIS (HOME)", the theme of Poetry Week 2024. Venue website www.facet-emmen.nl . Starts at 1:30 PM. entrance fee is 10 euros for members and 15 for non-members.


Buchholz (D)
Tu 30.4.2024
Adresse geändert. Begegnungsstätte Heideruh, Ahornweg 45, 21244 Buchholz/Nordheide. Konzert, 19 Uhr. Venue website www.heideruh.de . If the weather is nice, perhaps outside. Reservation by telephone or email Jutta Jagenteufel +49 176 72831786 or jutja@web.de


foto Accordéon Mélancolique
Buchholz (D) Wed 1.5.2024
Adresse geändert. Begegnungsstätte Heideruh, Ahornweg 45, 21244 Buchholz/Nordheide. Venue website www.heideruh.de Following our concert the night before, we will give a Workshop. The main language is "English" and a little German and a lot of music, playing together and many clues about what we have discovered in music over all these years. It starts early at 10:00 AM and lasts until 1:00 PM. Subsequently, Jutta Jagenteufel will give her workshop that week, from May 1, starting at 4:00 PM, until May 5. Lodging and meals are available for that week..Reservation by telephone or email Jutta Jagenteufel +49 176 72831786 or jutja@web.de


foto Accordéon Mélancolique
Wyns, near Leeuwarden (NL) Saturday 11 May 2024
Outdoor, in the old harbour
Starts at 10:45 till 11:45
during the opening of the Art Season. The opening exhibition consists of watercolors that villagers made this spring


foto Accordéon Mélancolique
Heerenveen (NL) Sunday 12 May 2024
Huize Voormeer, in a beautiful ballroom.
Heideburen 97, 8441GN Heerenveen.
Starts at 15:30
Entree 15 euro, incl coffee/tea.
Reservation by telephone or email info@acmel.nl or call +31610414238.


foto Accordéon Mélancolique
Varsseveld, 15 km from Doetinchem (NL)
Friday 7 juni 2024
Witte Kerk, Doetinchemseweg 5
Starts at 20:00 uur..
Entree voluntary contribution
Name of the organistation is: Vrij en Zo


foto Accordéon Mélancolique
Markelo (NL)
Sunday 3 november 2024
Cultureel Centrum het Beaufort, Burgemeester de Beaufortplein 1 7475 AG Markelo
Starts at 11:00 am, ends at 12:00 am. special program with music and poetry around "THUIS (HOME)", the theme of Dutch Poetry Week 2024. Entrance 10 euro incl. coffee. Venue website www.hetbeaufort.nl

foto Accordéon Mélancolique
Eelde, 14 km from Groningen, 20 km from Assen (NL)
Sunday 15 december 2024

With a poem, a quip, an anecdote (in Dutch), and a song, and lots of music, duo Accordéon Melancolique helps you turn the long nights into short days.
Museum Vosbergen, Vosbergerlaan 35, 9761TJ
1st concert starts at 11:00
2nd concert starts at 15:00
Each concert lasts about 60 minutes
Entrance fee 20 euros, including coffee/tea and a Christmas treat.
See also museumvosbergen.nl

Unless mentioned differently, concerts mentioned above take place in the Netherlands.
For information in other languages please ask: info@acmel.nl
Pour des renseignements en Français, contactez : info@acmel.nl S.V.P.



IIn case you want to be informed about the Accordéon Mélancolique" latest news by email send an email to info@acmel.nl with "latest news AM" in the subject line.

Indien u op de hoogte gehouden wilt worden van ons nieuws en concertagenda, laat ons dat dan even weten door een email te sturen naar info@acmel.nl met een kort berichtje.

Si vous voulez recevoir des renseignements par e-mail, evoyez un message s.v.p. à info@acmel.nl avec "Actualités AM" comme titre.

Agenda - Concerts - Programmübersicht - スケジュール